Java中文乱码解决之道(1): 认识字符集

来源: chenssy



java编码中的中文问题是一个老生常谈的问题了,每次遇到中文乱码LZ要么是按照以前的经验修改,要么则是baidu.com来 解决问题。阅读许多关于中文乱码的解决办法的博文后,发现对于该问题我们都(更加包括我自己)没有一个清晰明了的认识,于是LZ想通过这系列博文(估计只 有几篇)来彻底分析、解决java中文乱码问题,如有错误之处望各位同仁指出!当然,此系列博文并非LZ完全原创,都是在前辈基础上总结,归纳,如果雷同 纯属借鉴……



在早期的计算机系统中,使用的字符是非常少的,他们只包括26个英文字母、数字符号和一些常用符号,对于这些字符进行编码,用1个字节就足够了,但 是随着计算机的不断发展,为了适应全世界其他各国民族的语言,这些少得可怜的字符编码肯定是不够的。于是人们提出了UNICODE编码,它采用双字节编 码,兼容英文字符和其他国家民族的双字节字符编码。

每个国家为了统一编码都会规定该国家/地区计算机信息交换用的字符集编码,为了解决本地字符信息的计算机处理,于是出现了各种本地化版本,引进 LANG, Codepage 等概念。现在大部分具有国际化特征的软件核心字符处理都是以 Unicode 为基础的,在软件运行时根据当时的 Locale/Lang/Codepage 设置确定相应的本地字符编码设置,并依此处理本地字符。在处理过程中需要实现 Unicode 和本地字符集的相互转换。




其实解决 JAVA 程序中的汉字编码问题的方法往往很简单,但理解其背后的原因,定位问题,还需要了解现有的汉字编码和编码转换。


计算机要准确的处理各种字符集文字,需要进行字符编码,以便计算机能够识别和存储各种文字。常见的字符编码主要包括:ASCII编码、GB**编 码、Unicode。下面LZ就简单地介绍下!(为什么是简单介绍?因为LZ在网上查找资料想去了解字符编码时,发现这个问题比我想象的复杂太多了,所以 LZ需要另起一篇详细介绍,所以各位看客就简单看看吧!!)


ASCII,American Standard Code for Information Interchange,是基于拉丁字母的一套电脑编码系统,主要用于显示现代英语和其他西欧语言。它是现今最通用的单字节编码系统。

ASCII码使用指定的7位或者8为二进制数字组合表示128或者256种可能的字符。标准的ASCII编码使用的是7(2^7 = 128)位二进制数来表示所有的大小写字母、数字和标点符号已经一些特殊的控制字符,最前面的一位统一规定为0。其中0~31及127(共33个)是控制 字符或通信专用字符,32~126(共95个)是字符(32是空格),其中48~57为0到9十个阿拉伯数字,65~90为26个大写英文字 母,97~122号为26个小写英文字母,其余为一些标点符号、运算符号等。




ASCII最大的缺点就是显示字符有限,他虽然解决了部分西欧语言的显示问题,但是对更多的其他语言他实在是无能为了。随着计算机技术的发展,使用 范围越来越广泛了,ASCII的缺陷越来越明显了,其他国家和地区需要使用计算机,必须要设计一套符合本国/本地区的编码规则。例如为了显示中文,我们就 必须要设计一套编码规则用于将汉字转换为计算机可以接受的数字系统的数。

GB2312,用于汉字处理、 汉字通信等系统之间的信息交换,通行于中国大陆。它的编码规则是:小于127的字符的意义与原来相同,但两个大于127的字符连在一起时,就表示一个汉 字,前面的一个字节(他称之为高字节)从0xA1用到 0xF7,后面一个字节(低字节)从0xA1到0xFE,这样我们就可以组合出大约7000多个简体汉字了。虽然GB2312收录了这么多汉子,他所覆盖 的使用率可以达到99%,但是对于那些不常见的汉字,例如人名、地名、古汉语,它就不能处理了,于是就有下面的GBK、GB 18030的出现。(点击GB2312简体中文编码表查看)。

GB18030,全 称:国家标准GB 18030-2005《信息技术 中文编码字符集》,是我国计算机系统必须遵循的基础性标准之一,GB18030有两个版本:GB18030-2000和GB18030-2005。 GB18030-2000是GBK的取代版本,它的主要特点是在GBK基础上增加了CJK统一汉字扩充A的汉字。

GB 18030主要有以下特点:






GBK,汉字编码标准之一,全称《汉字内码扩展规范》,它 向下与 GB 2312 编码兼容,向上支持 ISO 10646.1 国际标准,是前者向后者过渡过程中的一个承上启下的标准。它的编码范围如下图:





Unicode编码又称统一码、万国码、单一码,它是业界的一种标准,是为了解决传统的字符编码方案的局限而产生的,它为每种语言中的每个字符设定 了统一并且唯一的二进制编码,以满足跨语言、跨平台进行文本转换、处理的要求。同时Unicode是字符集,它存在很多几种实现方式如:UTF-8、 UTF-16.





此篇博文只是开篇之作,启下之用, 对字符集的介绍也只是简简单单,没有太多的描述,因为LZ在查字符集的资料过程中发现字符集真的是太复杂了,LZ有点儿驾驭不了,需要仔细研究,然后写一篇较为详细的博文!各位敬请期待!!



百度百科 ASCII:










来源: 朱小厮


Java 中的堆是 JVM 所管理的最大的一块内存空间,主要用于存放各种类的实例对象。

在 Java 中,堆被划分成两个不同的区域:新生代 ( Young )、老年代 ( Old )。新生代 ( Young ) 又被划分为三个区域:Eden、From Survivor、To Survivor。

这样划分的目的是为了使 JVM 能够更好的管理堆内存中的对象,包括内存的分配以及回收。


新生代:Young Generation,主要用来存放新生的对象。

老年代:Old Generation或者称作Tenured Generation,主要存放应用程序声明周期长的内存对象。

永久代:(方法区,不属于java堆,另一个别名为“非堆Non-Heap”但是一般查看PrintGCDetails都会带上PermGen区)是指内存的永久保存区域,主要存放Class和Meta的信息,Class在被 Load的时候被放入PermGen space区域. 它和和存放Instance的Heap区域不同,GC(Garbage Collection)不会在主程序运行期对PermGen space进行清理,所以如果你的应用会加载很多Class的话,就很可能出现PermGen space错误。

堆大小 = 新生代 + 老年代。其中,堆的大小可以通过参数 –Xms、-Xmx 来指定。

默认的,新生代 ( Young ) 与老年代 ( Old ) 的比例的值为 1:2 ( 该值可以通过参数 –XX:NewRatio 来指定 ),即:新生代 ( Young ) = 1/3 的堆空间大小。老年代 ( Old ) = 2/3 的堆空间大小。其中,新生代 ( Young ) 被细分为 Eden 和 两个 Survivor 区域,这两个 Survivor 区域分别被命名为 from 和 to,以示区分。

默认的,Edem : from : to = 8 : 1 : 1 ( 可以通过参数 –XX:SurvivorRatio 来设定 ),即: Eden = 8/10 的新生代空间大小,from = to = 1/10 的新生代空间大小。

JVM 每次只会使用 Eden 和其中的一块 Survivor 区域来为对象服务,所以无论什么时候,总是有一块 Survivor 区域是空闲着的。

因此,新生代实际可用的内存空间为 9/10 ( 即90% )的新生代空间。




1. 废弃的常量:回收废弃常量与回收java堆中的对象非常类似。以常量池字面量的回收为例,加入一个字符串“abc”已经进入了常量池中,但是当前系统没有任何一个String对象是叫做”abc”的,换句话说,就是有任何String对象应用常量池中的”abc”常量,也没有其他地方引用了这个字面量,如果这时发生内存回收,而且必要的话,这个“abc”常量就会被系统清理出常量池。常量池中的其他类(接口)、方法、字段的符号引用也与此类似。(注:jdk1.7及其之后的版本已经将常量池从永久代中移出)

2. 无用的类:类需要同时满足下面3个条件才能算是“无用的类”:

  • 该类所有的实例都已经被回收,也就是java堆中不存在该类的任何实例。
  • 加载该类的ClassLoader已经被回收
  • 该类对应的java.lang.Class对象没有在任何地方被引用,无法在任何地方通过反射访问该类的方法。




Java 中的堆也是 GC 收集垃圾的主要区域。GC 分为两种:Minor GC、Full GC ( 或称为 Major GC )。

Minor GC 是发生在新生代中的垃圾收集动作,所采用的是复制算法。

新生代几乎是所有 Java 对象出生的地方,即 Java 对象申请的内存以及存放都是在这个地方。Java 中的大部分对象通常不需长久存活,具有朝生夕灭的性质。

当一个对象被判定为 “死亡” 的时候,GC 就有责任来回收掉这部分对象的内存空间。新生代是 GC 收集垃圾的频繁区域。

当对象在 Eden ( 包括一个 Survivor 区域,这里假设是 from 区域 ) 出生后,在经过一次 Minor GC 后,如果对象还存活,并且能够被另外一块 Survivor 区域所容纳( 上面已经假设为 from 区域,这里应为 to 区域,即 to 区域有足够的内存空间来存储 Eden 和 from 区域中存活的对象 ),则使用复制算法将这些仍然还存活的对象复制到另外一块 Survivor 区域 ( 即 to 区域 ) 中,然后清理所使用过的 Eden 以及 Survivor 区域 ( 即 from 区域 ),并且将这些对象的年龄设置为1,以后对象在 Survivor 区每熬过一次 Minor GC,就将对象的年龄 + 1,当对象的年龄达到某个值时 ( 默认是 15 岁,可以通过参数 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold 来设定 ),这些对象就会成为老年代。

但这也不是一定的,对于一些较大的对象 ( 即需要分配一块较大的连续内存空间 ) 则是直接进入到老年代。虚拟机提供了一个-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold参数,令大于这个设置值的对象直接在老年代分配。这样做的目的是避免在Eden区及两个Survivor区之间发生大量的内存复制(新生代采用复制算法收集内存)。


Full GC 是发生在老年代的垃圾收集动作,所采用的是“标记-清除”或者“标记-整理”算法。

现实的生活中,老年代的人通常会比新生代的人 “早死”。堆内存中的老年代(Old)不同于这个,老年代里面的对象几乎个个都是在 Survivor 区域中熬过来的,它们是不会那么容易就 “死掉” 了的。因此,Full GC 发生的次数不会有 Minor GC 那么频繁,并且做一次 Full GC 要比进行一次 Minor GC 的时间更长。


另外,标记-清除算法收集垃圾的时候会产生许多的内存碎片 ( 即不连续的内存空间 ),此后需要为较大的对象分配内存空间时,若无法找到足够的连续的内存空间,就会提前触发一次 GC 的收集动作。



package jvm;


public class PrintGCDetails


public static void main(String[] args)


Object obj = new Object();



obj = new Object();

obj = new Object();






[GC [PSYoungGen: 1019K->568K(28672K)] 1019K->568K(92672K), 0.0529244 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]

{博主自定义注解:[GC [新生代: MinorGC前新生代内存使用->MinorGC后新生代内存使用(新生代总的内存大小)] MinorGC前JVM堆内存使用的大小->MinorGC后JVM堆内存使用的大小(堆的可用内存大小), MinorGC总耗时] [Times: 用户耗时=0.00 系统耗时=0.00, 实际耗时=0.06 secs] }

[Full GC [PSYoungGen: 568K->0K(28672K)] [ParOldGen: 0K->478K(64000K)] 568K->478K(92672K) [PSPermGen: 2484K->2483K(21504K)], 0.0178331 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]

{博主自定义注解:[Full GC [PSYoungGen: 568K->0K(28672K)] [老年代: FullGC前老年代内存使用->FullGC后老年代内存使用(老年代总的内存大小)] FullGC前JVM堆内存使用的大小->FullGC后JVM堆内存使用的大小(堆的可用内存大小) [永久代: 2484K->2483K(21504K)], 0.0178331 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]}


[GC [PSYoungGen: 501K->64K(28672K)] 980K->542K(92672K), 0.0005080 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

[Full GC [PSYoungGen: 64K->0K(28672K)] [ParOldGen: 478K->479K(64000K)] 542K->479K(92672K) [PSPermGen: 2483K->2483K(21504K)], 0.0133836 secs] [Times: user=0.05 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]



PSYoungGen      total 28672K, used 1505K [0x00000000e0a00000, 0x00000000e2980000, 0x0000000100000000)

eden space 25088K, 6% used [0x00000000e0a00000,0x00000000e0b78690,0x00000000e2280000)

from space 3584K, 0% used [0x00000000e2600000,0x00000000e2600000,0x00000000e2980000)

to   space 3584K, 0% used [0x00000000e2280000,0x00000000e2280000,0x00000000e2600000)

ParOldGen       total 64000K, used 479K [0x00000000a1e00000, 0x00000000a5c80000, 0x00000000e0a00000)

object space 64000K, 0% used [0x00000000a1e00000,0x00000000a1e77d18,0x00000000a5c80000)

PSPermGen       total 21504K, used 2492K [0x000000009cc00000, 0x000000009e100000, 0x00000000a1e00000)

object space 21504K, 11% used [0x000000009cc00000,0x000000009ce6f2d0,0x000000009e100000)

注:你可以用JConsole或者Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(),Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(), Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()来查看Java中堆内存的大小。


package jvm;

public class PrintGCDetails2



* -Xms60m -Xmx60m -Xmn20m -XX:NewRatio=2 ( 若 Xms = Xmx, 并且设定了 Xmn,

* 那么该项配置就不需要配置了 ) -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:PermSize=30m -XX:MaxPermSize=30m

* -XX:+PrintGCDetails


public static void main(String[] args)


new PrintGCDetails2().doTest();



public void doTest()


Integer M = new Integer(1024 * 1024 * 1); // 单位, 兆(M)

byte[] bytes = new byte[1 * M]; // 申请 1M 大小的内存空间

bytes = null; // 断开引用链

System.gc(); // 通知 GC 收集垃圾


bytes = new byte[1 * M]; // 重新申请 1M 大小的内存空间

bytes = new byte[1 * M]; // 再次申请 1M 大小的内存空间






[GC [PSYoungGen: 2007K->568K(18432K)] 2007K->568K(59392K), 0.0059377 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]

[Full GC [PSYoungGen: 568K->0K(18432K)] [ParOldGen: 0K->479K(40960K)] 568K->479K(59392K) [PSPermGen: 2484K->2483K(30720K)], 0.0223249 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]


[GC [PSYoungGen: 3031K->1056K(18432K)] 3510K->1535K(59392K), 0.0140169 secs] [Times: user=0.05 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]

[Full GC [PSYoungGen: 1056K->0K(18432K)] [ParOldGen: 479K->1503K(40960K)] 1535K->1503K(59392K) [PSPermGen: 2486K->2486K(30720K)], 0.0119497 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]



PSYoungGen      total 18432K, used 163K [0x00000000fec00000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)

eden space 16384K, 1% used [0x00000000fec00000,0x00000000fec28ff0,0x00000000ffc00000)

from space 2048K, 0% used [0x00000000ffe00000,0x00000000ffe00000,0x0000000100000000)

to   space 2048K, 0% used [0x00000000ffc00000,0x00000000ffc00000,0x00000000ffe00000)

ParOldGen       total 40960K, used 1503K [0x00000000fc400000, 0x00000000fec00000, 0x00000000fec00000)

object space 40960K, 3% used [0x00000000fc400000,0x00000000fc577e10,0x00000000fec00000)

PSPermGen       total 30720K, used 2493K [0x00000000fa600000, 0x00000000fc400000, 0x00000000fc400000)

object space 30720K, 8% used [0x00000000fa600000,0x00000000fa86f4f0,0x00000000fc400000)

从打印结果可以看出,堆中新生代的内存空间为 18432K ( 约 18M ),eden 的内存空间为 16384K ( 约 16M),from / to survivor 的内存空间为 2048K ( 约 2M)。

这里所配置的 Xmn 为 20M,也就是指定了新生代的内存空间为 20M,可是从打印的堆信息来看,新生代怎么就只有 18M 呢? 另外的 2M 哪里去了?

别急,是这样的。新生代 = eden + from + to = 16 + 2 + 2 = 20M,可见新生代的内存空间确实是按 Xmn 参数分配得到的。

而且这里指定了 SurvivorRatio = 8,因此,eden = 8/10 的新生代空间 = 8/10 * 20 = 16M。from = to = 1/10 的新生代空间 = 1/10 * 20 = 2M。

堆信息中新生代的 total 18432K 是这样来的: eden + 1 个 survivor = 16384K + 2048K = 18432K,即约为 18M。

因为 jvm 每次只是用新生代中的 eden 和 一个 survivor,因此新生代实际的可用内存空间大小为所指定的 90%。


另外,可以看出老年代的内存空间为 40960K ( 约 40M ),堆大小 = 新生代 + 老年代。因此在这里,老年代 = 堆大小 – 新生代 = 60 – 20 = 40M。

最后,这里还指定了 PermSize = 30m,PermGen 即永久代 ( 方法区 ),它还有一个名字,叫非堆,主要用来存储由 jvm 加载的类文件信息、常量、静态变量等。


-XX:+<option> 启用选项





-Xms :初始堆大小

-Xmx :最大堆大小

-Xmn:新生代大小。通常为 Xmx 的 1/3 或 1/4。新生代 = Eden + 2 个 Survivor 空间。实际可用空间为 = Eden + 1 个 Survivor,即 90%

-XX:NewSize=n :设置年轻代大小

-XX:NewRatio=n: 设置年轻代和年老代的比值。如:为3,表示年轻代与年老代比值为1:3,年轻代占整个年轻代年老代和的1/4

-XX:SurvivorRatio=n :年轻代中Eden区与两个Survivor区的比值。注意Survivor区有两个。如:3,表示Eden:Survivor=3:2,一个Survivor区占整个年轻代的1/5

-XX:PermSize=n 永久代(方法区)的初始大小

-XX:MaxPermSize=n :设置永久代大小

-Xss 设定栈容量;对于HotSpot来说,虽然-Xoss参数(设置本地方法栈大小)存在,但实际上是无效的,因为在HotSpot中并不区分虚拟机和本地方法栈。

-XX:PretenureSizeThreshold (该设置只对Serial和ParNew收集器生效) 可以设置进入老生代的大小限制

-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1(默认15)垃圾最大年龄 如果设置为0的话,则年轻代对象不经过Survivor区,直接进入年老代. 对于年老代比较多的应用,可以提高效率.如果将此值设置为一个较大值,则年轻代对象会在Survivor区进行多次复制,这样可以增加对象再年轻代的存活 时间,增加在年轻代即被回收的概率



-XX:+UseSerialGC :设置串行收集器

-XX:+UseParallelGC :设置并行收集器

-XX:+UseParallelOldGC :设置并行年老代收集器

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC :设置并发收集器


-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC GC的heap详情

-XX:+PrintGCDetails GC详情

-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 打印GC时间信息

-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution 打印年龄信息等

-XX:+HandlePromotionFailure 老年代分配担保(true or false)

-Xloggc:gc.log 指定日志的位置


-XX:ParallelGCThreads=n :设置并行收集器收集时使用的CPU数。并行收集线程数。

-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=n :设置并行收集最大暂停时间

-XX:GCTimeRatio=n :设置垃圾回收时间占程序运行时间的百分比。公式为1/(1+n)


-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode :设置为增量模式。适用于单CPU情况。

-XX:ParallelGCThreads=n :设置并发收集器年轻代收集方式为并行收集时,使用的CPU数。并行收集线程数。




-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 可以让虚拟机在出现内存溢出异常时Dump出当前的内存堆转储快照(.hprof文件)以便时候进行分析(比如Eclipse Memory Analysis)。


1. 《java 虚拟机–新生代与老年代GC》

2. 《Java 堆内存》

3. 《深入理解Java虚拟机》周志明著

Java Memory Model

Jakob Jenkov


The Java memory model specifies how the Java virtual machine works with the computer’s memory (RAM). The Java virtual machine is a model of a whole computer so this model naturally includes a memory model – AKA the Java memory model.

It is very important to understand the Java memory model if you want to design correctly behaving concurrent programs. The Java memory model specifies how and when different threads can see values written to shared variables by other threads, and how to synchronize access to shared variables when necessary.

The original Java memory model was insufficient, so the Java memory model was revised in Java 1.5. This version of the Java memory model is still in use in Java 8.

The Internal Java Memory Model

The Java memory model used internally in the JVM divides memory between thread stacks and the heap. This diagram illustrates the Java memory model from a logic perspective:

The Java Memory Model From a Logic Perspective

Each thread running in the Java virtual machine has its own thread stack. The thread stack contains information about what methods the thread has called to reach the current point of execution. I will refer to this as the “call stack”. As the thread executes its code, the call stack changes.

The thread stack also contains all local variables for each method being executed (all methods on the call stack). A thread can only access it’s own thread stack. Local variables created by a thread are invisible to all other threads than the thread who created it. Even if two threads are executing the exact same code, the two threads will still create the local variables of that code in each their own thread stack. Thus, each thread has its own version of each local variable.

All local variables of primitive types ( boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, double) are fully stored on the thread stack and are thus not visible to other threads. One thread may pass a copy of a pritimive variable to another thread, but it cannot share the primitive local variable itself.

The heap contains all objects created in your Java application, regardless of what thread created the object. This includes the object versions of the primitive types (e.g. Byte, Integer, Long etc.). It does not matter if an object was created and assigned to a local variable, or created as a member variable of another object, the object is still stored on the heap.

Here is a diagram illustrating the call stack and local variables stored on the thread stacks, and objects stored on the heap:

The Java Memory Model showing where local variables and objects are stored in memory.

A local variable may be of a primitive type, in which case it is totally kept on the thread stack.

A local variable may also be a reference to an object. In that case the reference (the local variable) is stored on the thread stack, but the object itself if stored on the heap.

An object may contain methods and these methods may contain local variables. These local variables are also stored on the thread stack, even if the object the method belongs to is stored on the heap.

An object’s member variables are stored on the heap along with the object itself. That is true both when the member variable is of a primitive type, and if it is a reference to an object.

Static class variables are also stored on the heap along with the class definition.

Objects on the heap can be accessed by all threads that have a reference to the object. When a thread has access to an object, it can also get access to that object’s member variables. If two threads call a method on the same object at the same time, they will both have access to the object’s member variables, but each thread will have its own copy of the local variables.

Here is a diagram illustrating the points above:

The Java Memory Model showing references from local variables to objects, and from object to other objects.

Two threads have a set of local variables. One of the local variables (Local Variable 2) point to a shared object on the heap (Object 3). The two threads each have a different reference to the same object. Their references are local variables and are thus stored in each thread’s thread stack (on each). The two different references point to the same object on the heap, though.

Notice how the shared object (Object 3) has a reference to Object 2 and Object 4 as member variables (illustrated by the arrows from Object 3 to Object 2 and Object 4). Via these member variable references in Object 3 the two threads can access Object 2 and Object 4.

The diagram also shows a local variable which point to two different objects on the heap. In this case the references point to two different objects (Object 1 and Object 5), not the same object. In theory both threads could access both Object 1 and Object 5, if both threads had references to both objects. But in the diagram above each thread only has a reference to one of the two objects.

So, what kind of Java code could lead to the above memory graph? Well, code as simple as the code below:

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable() {

    public void run() {

    public void methodOne() {
        int localVariable1 = 45;

        MySharedObject localVariable2 =

        //... do more with local variables.


    public void methodTwo() {
        Integer localVariable1 = new Integer(99);

        //... do more with local variable.

public class MySharedObject {

    //static variable pointing to instance of MySharedObject

    public static final MySharedObject sharedInstance =
        new MySharedObject();

    //member variables pointing to two objects on the heap

    public Integer object2 = new Integer(22);
    public Integer object4 = new Integer(44);

    public long member1 = 12345;
    public long member1 = 67890;

If two threads were executing the run() method then the diagram shown earlier would be the outcome. The run() method calls methodOne() and methodOne() calls methodTwo().

methodOne() declares a primitive local variable (localVariable1 of type int) and an local variable which is an object reference (localVariable2).

Each thread executing methodOne() will create its own copy of localVariable1 and localVariable2 on their respective thread stacks. The localVariable1 variables will be completely separated from each other, only living on each thread’s thread stack. One thread cannot see what changes another thread makes to its copy of localVariable1.

Each thread executing methodOne() will also create their own copy of localVariable2. However, the two different copies of localVariable2 both end up pointing to the same object on the heap. The code sets localVariable2 to point to an object referenced by a static variable. There is only one copy of a static variable and this copy is stored on the heap. Thus, both of the two copies of localVariable2 end up pointing to the same instance of MySharedObject which the static variable points to. The MySharedObject instance is also stored on the heap. It corresponds to Object 3 in the diagram above.

Notice how the MySharedObject class contains two member variables too. The member variables themselves are stored on the heap along with the object. The two member variables point to two other Integer objects. These Integer objects correspond to Object 2 and Object 4 in the diagram above.

Notice also how methodTwo() creates a local variable named localVariable1. This local variable is an object reference to an Integer object. The method sets the localVariable1 reference to point to a new Integer instance. The localVariable1 reference will be stored in one copy per thread executing methodTwo(). The two Integer objects instantiated will be stored on the heap, but since the method creates a new Integer object every time the method is executed, two threads executing this method will create separate Integer instances. The Integer objects created inside methodTwo() correspond to Object 1 and Object 5 in the diagram above.

Notice also the two member variables in the class MySharedObject of type long which is a primitive type. Since these variables are member variables, they are still stored on the heap along with the object. Only local variables are stored on the thread stack.

Hardware Memory Architecture

Modern hardware memory architecture is somewhat different from the internal Java memory model. It is important to understand the hardware memory architecture too, to understand how the Java memory model works with it. This section describes the common hardware memory architecture, and a later section will describe how the Java memory model works with it.

Here is a simplified diagram of modern computer hardware architecture:

Modern hardware memory architecture.

A modern computer often has 2 or more CPUs in it. Some of these CPUs may have multiple cores too. The point is, that on a modern computer with 2 or more CPUs it is possible to have more than one thread running simultaneously. Each CPU is capable of running one thread at any given time. That means that if your Java application is multithreaded, one thread per CPU may be running simultaneously (concurrently) inside your Java application.

Each CPU contains a set of registers which are essentially in-CPU memory. The CPU can perform operations much faster on these registers than it can perform on variables in main memory. That is because the CPU can access these registers much faster than it can access main memory.

Each CPU may also have a CPU cache memory layer. In fact, most modern CPUs have a cache memory layer of some size. The CPU can access its cache memory much faster than main memory, but typically not as fast as it can access its internal registers. So, the CPU cache memory is somewhere in between the speed of the internal registers and main memory. Some CPUs may have multiple cache layers (Level 1 and Level 2), but this is not so important to know to understand how the Java memory model interacts with memory. What matters is to know that CPUs can have a cache memory layer of some sort.

A computer also contains a main memory area (RAM). All CPUs can access the main memory. The main memory area is typically much bigger than the cache memories of the CPUs.

Typically, when a CPU needs to access main memory it will read part of main memory into its CPU cache. It may even read part of the cache into its internal registers and then perform operations on it. When the CPU needs to write the result back to main memory it will flush the value from its internal register to the cache memory, and at some point flush the value back to main memory.

The values stored in the cache memory is typically flushed back to main memory when the CPU needs to store something else in the cache memory. The CPU cache can have data written to part of its memory at a time, and flush part of its memory at a time. It does not have to read / write the full cache each time it is updated. Typically the cache is updated in smaller memory blocks called “cache lines”. One or more cache lines may be read into the cache memory, and one or mor cache lines may be flushed back to main memory again.

Bridging The Gap Between The Java Memory Model And The Hardware Memory Architecture

As already mentioned, the Java memory model and the hardware memory architecture are different. The hardware memory architecture does not distinguish between thread stacks and heap. On the hardware, both the thread stack and the heap are located in main memory. Parts of the thread stacks and heap may sometimes be present in CPU caches and in internal CPU registers. This is illustrated in this diagram:

The division of thread stack and heap among CPU internal registers, CPU cache and main memory.

When objects and variables can be stored in various different memory areas in the computer, certain problems may occur. The two main problems are:

  • Visibility of thread updates (writes) to shared variables.
  • Race conditions when reading, checking and writing shared variables.

Both of these problems will be explained in the following sections.

Visibility of Shared Objects

If two or more threads are sharing an object, without the proper use of either volatile declarations or synchronization, updates to the shared object made by one thread may not be visible to other threads.

Imagine that the shared object is initially stored in main memory. A thread running on CPU one then reads the shared object into its CPU cache. There it makes a change to the shared object. As long as the CPU cache has not been flushed back to main memory, the changed version of the shared object is not visible to threads running on other CPUs. This way each thread may end up with its own copy of the shared object, each copy sitting in a different CPU cache.

The following diagram illustrates the sketched situation. One thread running on the left CPU copies the shared object into its CPU cache, and changes its count variable to 2. This change is not visible to other threads running on the right CPU, because the update to count has not been flushed back to main memory yet.

Visibility Issues in the Java Memory Model.

To solve this problem you can use Java’s volatile keyword. The volatile keyword can make sure that a given variable is read directly from main memory, and always written back to main memory when updated.

Race Conditions

If two or more threads share an object, and more than one thread updates variables in that shared object, race conditions may occur.

Imagine if thread A reads the variable count of a shared object into its CPU cache. Imagine too, that thread B does the same, but into a different CPU cache. Now thread A adds one to count, and thread B does the same. Now var1 has been incremented two times, once in each CPU cache.

If these increments had been carried out sequentially, the variable count would be been incremented twice and had the original value + 2 written back to main memory.

However, the two increments have been carried out concurrently without proper synchronization. Regardless of which of thread A and B that writes its updated version of count back to main memory, the updated value will only be 1 higher than the original value, despite the two increments.

This diagram illustrates an occurrence of the problem with race conditions as described above:

Race Condition Issues in the Java Memory Model.

To solve this problem you can use a Java synchronized block. A synchronized block guarantees that only one thread can enter a given critical section of the code at any given time. Synchronized blocks also guarantee that all variables accessed inside the synchronized block will be read in from main memory, and when the thread exits the synchronized block, all updated variables will be flushed back to main memory again, regardless of whether the variable is declared volatile or not.